This is titled "5 little monkeys". The picture was taken at Sea World San Diego back in July, 2009 while my daughters and I visited family. The kids had all played games and each of them won monkeys, so we decided to get a picture of kids with their "souveniers"...LOL! And wouldn't you know it, my youngest daughter actually made me bring home that polar bear....he got stuffed into a suitcase all by himself, I almost didn't have enough room in the other cases for our clothes!

DCWV Tahiti stack (all PP)
DCWV Neutral & Bright (CS)
Thickers stickers (all letters & number)
Adirondack paint
Flowers & Brads (unknown)
As for the Blog Candy....stop by and visit my dear friend Tracey's Blog. She is giving away some amazing stuff for following her blog, leaving a comment and/or posting a link to her page on your own blog. Her blog is Scrappin Trackside and she does awesome sure to check her out!
Ok, now I'm off to find some more inspiration so I can get scrappin' on my MIL's present! Thanks for stopping by!
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