Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scrap "Room" Makeover

So, I was going to scrap this weekend but discovered I was out of adhesive....are you kidding me? I was at the store on Saturday and had I known that I would have bought some more. Oh well!! Since I couldn't scrap, I decided I would rearrange my "room", which is actually my bedroom closet...LOL!

My mom had bought me the Jet Max cube things for Christmas a year ago and they had been sitting in my garage because I just didn't want to put them together. She also got me the Embellie Center from MM, but I haven't gotten around to hanging that yet either! Oh well, one thing at a time.

Here is my mess before:

And here is after:
Now I just need to get my hind-end to the store to buy more adhesive so I can actually get in there and scrap!
Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. wow! looks great! amazing what u can do with a closet eh? now go get adhesive!!!!!
